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Pantothenic acid

Pantothenic acid is found in many foods. Beef, veal and pork liver as well as herring are among the foods that contain particularly high amounts of pantothenic acid. Among plant-based foods, wholemeal wheat, oatmeal or tomatoes have high pantothenic acid contents.

The vitamin is a component of coenzyme A and as such is involved in numerous metabolic processes. For example, it helps break down fatty acids, glucose and amino acids. Pantothenic acid is also involved in the formation of numerous substances, including cholesterol, bile acids and the blood pigment haem.

Due to the widespread occurrence of pantothenic acid in foods, a deficiency of this vitamin is rare. There is also currently no indication of an insufficient supply of pantothenic acid in the German population.

Proposed maximum level for the addition of pantothenic acid to food supplements (per daily dose of an individual product)

Vitamin B1 B2 Pantothensäure Höchstmenge_en

Pantothenic acid is considered to be of little concern to health. So far, no tolerable maximum daily intake for pantothenic acid could be derived. Even when consuming amounts far above the observed intakes from all sources, no adverse health effects have been seen so far. Even if it cannot be concluded from this that pantothenic acid has no potential for adverse health effects at high intakes, the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) currently refrains from setting a maximum amount for pantothenic acid in food supplements and for fortifying foods for general consumption.



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