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Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Vitamin B1 - also called thiamine - is a water-soluble vitamin found in plant- and animal-based foods. Particularly good sources of thiamine are muscle meat (especially pork), liver, fish such as plaice, cereals and cereal products, legumes and potatoes.

As a coenzyme, thiamine plays an important role in the body's energy metabolism and is involved in the transmission of stimuli in the nervous system. The human body has only a limited storage capacity for vitamin B1. Therefore, a regular and sufficient intake through food is important. However, there are only a few population groups in Germany that are at increased risk for an insufficient supply of thiamine. These include alcoholics. For infants, too, an adequate supply of vitamin B1 - as of all other essential micronutrients - is very important.

In general, the population in Germany is currently well supplied with vitamin B1. Data from the National Food Consumption Study II show that the mean intakes in all age groups roughly correspond to the intake recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE).

Proposed maximum level for the addition of vitamin B1 to food supplements (per daily dose of an individual product)

Vitamin B1 B2 Pantothensäure Höchstmenge_en

In view of the very low toxicity of vitamin B1, the BfR currently believes that it is not necessary to set a maximum level for this vitamin, both for food supplements and for food fortification.



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